New Hampshire Jackknife Truck Accident Attorney
Filing a Claim for a Jackknife Trucking Accident in NH
Trucking accidents in any form have a high risk of resulting in serious and numerous injuries. One of the more common and devastating types of truck accident is known as jackknifing.
In a jackknife accident, the trailer of an 18-wheeler, semi-truck, or other large articulated vehicle folds at an angle that resembles a pocket knife. As the trailer swings across multiple lanes of traffic, jackknife accidents commonly involve multi-vehicle collisions. When these accidents occur on congested roads or highways, there is also a serious potential for pile ups.
Investigating Causes and Liability
There are a number of potential causes of jackknife accidents, and successful personal injury claims are hinged on determining the exact cause of an accident the extent of liability involved. A few common causes include:
- Equipment failure
- Hazardous road conditions
- Icy roads
- Driver error and improper braking
Our auto accident legal team has a strong familiarity with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the numerous federal laws and regulations they enforce. When investigating a jackknife case, we use this insight to determine if a trucking company or truck driver failed to meet requirements. For example, trucking companies are responsible for ensuring that their vehicles are properly maintained and that potential equipment malfunctions are limited are much as possible. Truck drivers are also held to strict regulatory guidelines, and an investigation into possible accident causes such as tired drivers, driver distraction or intoxication, reckless driving and others is vital to establishing liability.
Work with Our Trucking Accident Legal Team
Our firm’s trucking accident legal team has the skills and knowledge to effectively investigate cases, craft personal injury claims and deliver results