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Living Wills

New Hampshire Living Wills & Advanced Directives

Who Makes Decisions About Life-Prolonging Treatment When You Can't?

Many people choose to create a living will to help them make final decisions regarding their end of life care in the event that they are not able to make decisions for themselves. The purpose of a Living Will is to help family, friends and medical providers abide by your wishes in the event that you are incapacitated and near death, unconscious, or determined to be in a permanent vegetative state after a major accident or illness.

In New Hampshire, living wills are typically combined with a durable power of attorney for health care in which you name an agent to oversee the decision-making process for you. Living wills can be drafted and updated with the assistance of our experienced attorneys from Shaheen & Gordon, P.A.

Contact us to learn more about crafting a will that is aligned with your medical goals.

What Can a Living Will Provide?

Living wills should be considered by all people who are concerned about their health and well-being in the event they become unable to make decisions for themselves.

In a living will, you can specify your preferences about:

  • Type of end of life care or life-prolonging care you wish to receive
  • Whether you wish to receive mechanical ventilation, tube-feeding and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Organ donation after death
  • Pain management drugs you prefer, if any

You can also include any specific instructions regarding your medical care, if you have any.

When Does a Living Go Into Effect?

A living will becomes effective when it is determined by two health care providers that you are in a permanent vegetative state or you are suffering from an illness that is terminal and you are no longer able to make sound and rational decisions for yourself regarding your medical care and whether you desire life prolonging treatment.

Difference Between Will vs. Living Will

A Will is a document that specifies how you want your assets distributed and who will care for your minor children when you pass away, while a Living Will provides instructions for medical care while you are still alive or in an unconscious state.

Discuss Your Needs Today

Our firm can help you draft and update your living will and other estate planning documents to ensure that you receive the best treatment and the type of treatment at the end of your life that you deserve.

If you have questions or concerns regarding a living will and how obtaining a living will can benefit you and your family, contact Shaheen & Gordon, P.A. today.

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